Set to the country music station
Not my favorite
Drag myself to Ben’s room
Switch on light
Search for Ben’s hand under the covers
3:10 am … 87
That’s not high enough
Won’t be able to sleep
Juice box
Stick straw between Ben’s lips
Squeeze box
Hope he swallows
Shake box
Oops, I gave him too much
Going to be high in the morning
Will worry about it then
Back to bed
8:30 am … 221
Yep, too much juice last night
But OK
Going to baseball practice
Make carrot cake paleo pancakes
Not great
Won’t make those again
Pack up baseball gear
Pack up d-bag
Head to ball field
Once parked
Check again
9:22 am … 222
Ben declares
“That’s a lot of 2s”
Want to avoid another scary low
3rd inning of 1st game
Ben was 39!
Set temp basal
90% for 2 hours
Off to practice
Sit on bench in dug out
Watching for any sign Ben might be low
Having fun
All smiles
No signs
Check watch
Need to leave to pick up older brother
At soccer practice across town
Interrupt Ben’s practice
Pull Laffy Taffy out of my pocket
Throw it at Ben
Tell him to eat
And then check himself
Warn I need to leave to get brother
Coach laughs
“Your mother gives you candy?”
Membership has its privileges
Being part of the exclusive T1 club
Comes with a mom who throws candy at you
10:00 am … 195
Race through town to get brother
Praying nothing happens while I am away
Return to ball field with older brother
Having avoided any cops
And traffic tickets
Practice over
Time to head home to eat lunch
Then get brother to another ball field
But before head home
Check again
11:36 … 106
So far so good
Phone rings
Coach of Phillies
Needs another player
Can Ben play for his team this afternoon?
Ben jumps up down and chants “Yes, Yes”
Be at field at 2:30
Game at 3:00
After lunch, drop brother off for his game
Drive to town center for Ben’s game
Before Ben runs off for hitting practice
2:00 … 133
Not high enough
Still scared of the 39 from 1st game
Ben drinks juice box
Set another temp basal
80% for 4 hours
Game starts
Ben very, very happy
3rd inning need to leave again to get brother
Now need to drive him to soccer game
Ask friend/neighbor to watch Ben while I am away
Warn if he cries or get’s angry
Likely low
Give him juice and call me
Before leave check one more time
3:20 pm … 76
Too low!
Throw Ben more candy
Sour Patch Kids this time
Ask, “Do you have a Zbar in the bag?”
Nope, left in the car
Sprint to parking lot
Find Zbar in back seat
Sprint back to dugout
Throw Ben Zbar this time
Eat and don’t bolus
Please let Ms. Neighbor know if you feel low
“Ok, Mom”
Run back to car, again
Pick up brother drive across town
Drop off at soccer field
Not actually sure I slowed down
Think brother just jumped out of car
And I speed off
Eventually make it back to Ben’s game
Close game
Ben makes good catch at shortstop for an out
Big smiles
Very proud of himself
Game over
Lose in extra innings
Before we leave field
Check again
5:36 pm … 243
Not great
Probably didn’t need the Sour Patch Kids
But not awful
Give correction bolus
Head home to make dinner
Now both brothers are home
But Jeff gone
School auction night
Meatballs, 1 cup pasta, salad
7:03 pm … 121
Bolus for 40 carbs
Eat too
Clean kitchen
Finally sit down
Decide to have a glass of wine
Been a long day
Of another 39
But no lows
And no super highs
Relax, thinking we did it
But anyone who lives with T1 knows
Diabetes doesn’t like it when you take it for granted
Soon Ben interrupts my glass of wine
“Mom we have a problem
My set was unclipped”
“And I don’t know how long”
This is a new problem
Never happened before
Never realized it could even happen!
“We better check your BG”
8:31 pm … 347
Oh no
Wish I didn’t have that glass of wine
Not sure what to do
Have no idea how much insulin he actually got
Pump thinks plenty
Decide to go slow
Still scared of 39
Do a small correction
And decide to keep checking
Ben sits down beside me and we wait
9:00 pm … 445
9:33 pm … 452
10:05 pm … 490
10:47 pm … 384
11:42 pm … 342
Ben and I are both asleep on the sofa
I drag us both upstairs
Ben’s BG is finally coming down
No emergency room tonight
We both fall asleep in my bed
Jeff comes home from auction
Wakes me up and asks what’s going on
Try to explain but still half asleep
Jeff carries Ben back to his bed
And I fall back to sleep
Wake up
Look at clock, 2:00 am
Run to check Ben
2:14 am … 107
Hope that’s not too low
I am NEVER satisfied
Head back to bed
Wake at 8:00 am
Find cup of coffee
Check Ben, again
8:30 am … 75
Here we go again
Never sure when one day ends
And the next one begins
Because every moment
Whether awake or asleep
Won’t be able to sleep
Juice box
Stick straw between Ben’s lips
Squeeze box
Hope he swallows
Shake box
Oops, I gave him too much
Going to be high in the morning
Will worry about it then
Back to bed
8:30 am … 221
Yep, too much juice last night
But OK
Going to baseball practice
Make carrot cake paleo pancakes
Not great
Won’t make those again
Pack up baseball gear
Pack up d-bag
Head to ball field
Once parked
Check again
9:22 am … 222
Ben declares
“That’s a lot of 2s”
Want to avoid another scary low
3rd inning of 1st game
Ben was 39!
Set temp basal
90% for 2 hours
Off to practice
Sit on bench in dug out
Watching for any sign Ben might be low
Having fun
All smiles
No signs
Check watch
Need to leave to pick up older brother
At soccer practice across town
Interrupt Ben’s practice
Pull Laffy Taffy out of my pocket
Throw it at Ben
Tell him to eat
And then check himself
Warn I need to leave to get brother
Coach laughs
“Your mother gives you candy?”
Membership has its privileges
Being part of the exclusive T1 club
Comes with a mom who throws candy at you
10:00 am … 195
Race through town to get brother
Praying nothing happens while I am away
Return to ball field with older brother
Having avoided any cops
And traffic tickets
Practice over
Time to head home to eat lunch
Then get brother to another ball field
But before head home
Check again
11:36 … 106
So far so good
Phone rings
Coach of Phillies
Needs another player
Can Ben play for his team this afternoon?
Ben jumps up down and chants “Yes, Yes”
Be at field at 2:30
Game at 3:00
After lunch, drop brother off for his game
Drive to town center for Ben’s game
Before Ben runs off for hitting practice
2:00 … 133
Not high enough
Still scared of the 39 from 1st game
Ben drinks juice box
Set another temp basal
80% for 4 hours
Game starts
Ben very, very happy
3rd inning need to leave again to get brother
Now need to drive him to soccer game
Ask friend/neighbor to watch Ben while I am away
Warn if he cries or get’s angry
Likely low
Give him juice and call me
Before leave check one more time
3:20 pm … 76
Too low!
Throw Ben more candy
Sour Patch Kids this time
Ask, “Do you have a Zbar in the bag?”
Nope, left in the car
Sprint to parking lot
Find Zbar in back seat
Sprint back to dugout
Throw Ben Zbar this time
Eat and don’t bolus
Please let Ms. Neighbor know if you feel low
“Ok, Mom”
Run back to car, again
Pick up brother drive across town
Drop off at soccer field
Not actually sure I slowed down
Think brother just jumped out of car
And I speed off
Eventually make it back to Ben’s game
Close game
Ben makes good catch at shortstop for an out
Big smiles
Very proud of himself
Game over
Lose in extra innings
Before we leave field
Check again
5:36 pm … 243
Not great
Probably didn’t need the Sour Patch Kids
But not awful
Give correction bolus
Head home to make dinner
Now both brothers are home
But Jeff gone
School auction night
Meatballs, 1 cup pasta, salad
7:03 pm … 121
Bolus for 40 carbs
Eat too
Clean kitchen
Finally sit down
Decide to have a glass of wine
Been a long day
Of another 39
But no lows
And no super highs
Relax, thinking we did it
But anyone who lives with T1 knows
Diabetes doesn’t like it when you take it for granted
Soon Ben interrupts my glass of wine
“Mom we have a problem
My set was unclipped”
“And I don’t know how long”
This is a new problem
Never happened before
Never realized it could even happen!
“We better check your BG”
8:31 pm … 347
Oh no
Wish I didn’t have that glass of wine
Not sure what to do
Have no idea how much insulin he actually got
Pump thinks plenty
Decide to go slow
Still scared of 39
Do a small correction
And decide to keep checking
Ben sits down beside me and we wait
9:00 pm … 445
9:33 pm … 452
10:05 pm … 490
10:47 pm … 384
11:42 pm … 342
Ben and I are both asleep on the sofa
I drag us both upstairs
Ben’s BG is finally coming down
No emergency room tonight
We both fall asleep in my bed
Jeff comes home from auction
Wakes me up and asks what’s going on
Try to explain but still half asleep
Jeff carries Ben back to his bed
And I fall back to sleep
Wake up
Look at clock, 2:00 am
Run to check Ben
2:14 am … 107
Hope that’s not too low
I am NEVER satisfied
Head back to bed
Wake at 8:00 am
Find cup of coffee
Check Ben, again
8:30 am … 75
Here we go again
Never sure when one day ends
And the next one begins
Because every moment
Whether awake or asleep